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Missing parts or broken parts issue

Why do missing parts happen?

Every order from webrick is a custom order, it is made up of countless stones, and they are all picked by hand. Imagine you pick an order of 500 parts, you need to take out them from 500 different boxes and then put them into the correct bag. Some items are with 2 pieces while some items are with 50 pieces, you also need to put them into different bags.

Of course, all factories have strict operation process guidance and assessment objectives, but it is extremely difficult to achieve a 0% missing parts rate. Your understanding is our biggest power.

Our policy

We accept one replacement request per order.

Please email us at support@webrick.com with an excel document of part id(LEGO design id) + color id(LEGO color id) + quantities. If you find particularly unusual situations happened like missing a lot, then please contact us directly. Providing a missing parts document is not a must option.

Please keep in mind that the processing time for missing parts is the same as regular orders(7 - 10 days for Default 1KG parts)

Updated on 22th, June 2022.

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